Friday, November 24, 2006

Wyatt's 11 Months Old

My little cutie-pie is almost one year old!!! Oh my goodness!!! Seriously, where has the time gone??? I have to honestly say that I've enjoyed this past year with him almost 100% of the time! He really is such a happy boy for the most part; he makes it easy.

The two first pictures are of him doing what he loves... playing/banging things together and biting into things... the pic with him and the apple was funny because he put himself where he is... in that corner... lol I've no idea why he did that.

Okay... update time:

Not sure of his weight... LOL He's over 20lbs, I know that for sure.
Eating... umm... it seems like he's not really interested in it as much as he was before. In fact, his poops are those breast milk poops again... ya know? Non-smelly and runny.
He has 8 teeth fully out and 2 top molars poking through his gums... and one molar on the bottom right that's not poking through but very close... so, he constantly has his fingers/thumbs on the sides of his mouth.
I swear he says "hey!" when he wants to get someone's attention... not all of the time, but sometimes. The other times, he just does this loud 'ah'. I think he also does his version of fussing... lol Like when one of the other kids are crowding him... he says, "a-a"... Oh, I don't know how to type out that sound... lol
He will sometimes shake his head 'no' or 'yes'.
He doesn't point yet.
But, Jeremy called him, Wyatt looked, and Jeremy looked up at the ceiling... next thing you know, Wyatt's looking at the ceiling. Now, he does it back whenever you do it :D Its cute.

He loves being in the bathtub... loves it. He doesn't mind water in his face neither (whew!).

He takes 2 to 3 naps everyday still. He is my 9:30 baby... likes to be in bed by 9:30 pm and likes to wake up at 9:30am.

He also likes to flirt... lol If he gets someone's attention, esp. if he doesn't know them, he'll smile and then put his head down on my chest or hide his face. Then, he'll peek up at them after a couple of seconds... he does that over and over again :D

He loves Patty-Cake. He claps his hands and has started doing the 'rolling' part with his hands as well. Anytime I say, "clap", "yay", or "patty-cake" he starts clapping :D He waves 'bye-bye' as well and has started blowing kisses!!! He started doing this this past week! Its amazing how in just a short amount of time how much they process and learn!

What's funny is that while we were visiting my family from Friday to Wednesday, he would barely walk 2 steps. But, when it was just him and I, he would walk. Since we've been back home, he's constantly on his feet! I guess he isn't much of a show-off! hehehe

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Where is it?"

This is his newest gesture! Isn't it so cute? hehehe We first saw him doing this to Jeremy :D Of course, our kitty, Tiger, is wanting some attention behind Wyatt :D hehe

Thursday, November 09, 2006

#9, #9, #9

Okay, as I've posted before, I was pretty sure that Wyatt was trying to cut more teeth, right? Well, guess what? I felt his 9th tooth!!! It feels like a canine tooth on the top right. Yep.... this is his 9th tooth! I didn't feel any other eruptions today... but, I'm sure I'll be feeling them soon as he seems to get them 2 at a time.
Okay, this isn't the best pic... but you can see the white dot at the top; its the best I could do... I had to tickle him and then try to open his mouth with my finger all the way trying to focus the camera while keeping his hands off it it... LOL
Now that I see the pic, though... it may be one of his first molars instead of a canine...
ALSO, this isn't just #9, his #10 is also out of the gums but not as visible as this one on the right.
(PS #9... think The Beatles' White Album)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wyatt Today

Okay,I'm loving the whole slide show thingie! hehehe

He's 10 mths old.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mini Steps!

Not the best video of him taking steps, but the only one I have so far!
Right before I video'ed him doing this, Jeremy and I witnessed him taking 12 tiny steps without stopping before he fell onto his butt!

Earlier that day, I told Jeremy that he had taken 2 steps towards me and then when Jeremy came home, Wyatt had taken 5 steps while Jeremy was showering! But, this time, Jeremy got to see him take all those steps first hand!

Anyways, I'm sure this is the first of many to come, because he's been taking a step here and there for the last couple of weeks and now, he's acting like he's a pro! hehe


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Also, as of Halloween night, he waves 'bye-bye'! It was so cute! Everytime Jeremy would start going (J drove the lawnmower while we sat behind it in a wagon-type deal), Wyatt would wave bye-bye to whomever was behind us!!! Every time!

He's also saying "Mom" a whole lot now! He would say it before but usually whenever he was crying and doing spit bubbles... LOL Mostly what he 'says' is 'ca'. lol

Wow, this week's been full of new things!

Oh, and poor thing is congested... actually, my throat hurts as well... and I'm popping colds too. No fun. He's biting on everything, but to the sides, so, I am guessing that his next teeth are trying to pop out; already! geez... 8 is just not enough, huh?